CLP ANNEX VIII for Industrial Use 

Tom Schiepers - 4 December 2023 -

Start notifying hazardous mixtures

Starting from January 1, 2024, it is mandatory to notify hazardous mixtures for industrial use according to CLP ANNEX VIII through the PCN-portal of ECHA when they are placed on the market as new products. Even if the composition of a previously notified product changes, it must be notified from January 1 onwards. This means that hazardous/chemical products must now be notified for all three different uses (consumer, professional, or industrial). UFI-codes will now also be used in industrial workplaces to identify hazardous mixtures by various poison centers. 

The only existing exception currently applies to products that were already notified to poison centers before PCN notifications became mandatory under ANNEX VIII of the CLP legislation. This exception states that these products do not have to comply with the notification obligation until January 1, 2025. However, this exception applies only to products that have already been notified and whose composition has not changed.