Country Profile - Denmark

Renee van der Weij - 6 February 2024 -


  • There are no deviations from the general rules in the EU.
  • Knowledge base PCN.
  • Knowledge base UFI.

Poison Centre

National product register

  • Danish importers must notify chemical products that they want to place on the Danish market to the national Product Registry.
  • A foreign supplier can also submit a notification and must include the “CVR no.” of the Danish importer. The importer will then automatically receive a message via the official digital mailbox (e-Boks).
  • Products have to be notified if they meet the following conditions:
    • When the "Danish Working Environment Authority" has labeled the product as dangerous. Note: this doesn’t mean only classified products have to be notified.
    • When:
      • A. The product/material for >100 kg per year is produced or imported in Denmark.
      • B. The substance is produced or imported in quantities between 100 and 1000 kg per year, unless the substance is already registered as a pure substance in the company's supply chain under REACH.
    • When the product is produced in Denmark or imported from the EU, EEA or another country.
    • When the product is for commercial use.
  • More information:
