Country Profile - Norway

- There are no deviations from the general rules in the EU.
- Knowledge base PCN.
- Knowledge base UFI.
Poison Centre
- The poison centre (Giftinformasjonen) is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available for everybody.
National product register
- Norwegian importers must notify chemical products that they want to place on the Norwegian market to the national Product Register.
- A non-Norwegian supplier can also submit a notification so that the composition of the product remains protected when a product is exported to Norway.
- The following products must be registered (if they are placed on the market for 100 kg or more per year):
- Products classified as dangerous according to CLP;
- Mixtures that have physical or health hazard classifications must also be notified to ECHA’s PCN portal;
- Biocides;
- Chemicals containing microbiological products;
- Explosive precursors;
- Changes to the label or tradename:
- For example: If a chemical product is purchased in Norway and resold under a different tradename or with a different label.
- Products classified as dangerous according to CLP;
- This registration is free of charge for the non-Norwegian company, the fee is only applicable to the Norwegian importer:
- Up to 100 products 820 NOK.
- For each product >100, 135 NOK extra (with a maximum of 110,000 NOK).
- Substances or mixtures with the following hazards are excluded from these costs:
- Flammable hazard
- Explosion hazard
- Oxidation hazard
- For non-hazardous detergents that are placed on the market, there is no obligation under CLP to notify the product to the PCN portal. However, an ingredient data sheet must be made available to the National Poison Control Centre (Giftinformasjonen) in Norway.
- It is prohibited to produce, import or sell detergents with a higher weight percentage of phosphorus for use in Norway than:
A. detergents: 0.2% (except consumer products),
B. dishwashing detergents: 3.8% (except consumer products),
C. liquid cleaning products and dishwashing liquids: 0.2%,
D. powdered cleaning agents: 2.5%,
e. special resources for dairy companies and the food industry: 10.0%,
F. special resources for milk production and other industries: 2.5%.
For concentrates for professional use in closed systems with automatic dosing, the limit values in the first paragraph, letters a) to f), apply after dilution.