PCN Notification
Poison Centre Notification
The requirements for a Poison Centre Notification have been changed. Due to new legislation, a Poison Centre Notification nowadays requires more information when being submitted to the Poison Centres. We are happy to give you more information about this, which concerns the notification of hazardous mixtures. Do you have any questions or are you looking for more information? Do not hesitate to contact us. Our specialists are ready to assist you!
Who is responsible for Poison Centre Notification?
A Duty Holder is responsible for the Poison Centre Notification submission of a certain product. Tasks concerning a Poison Center submission may be delegated, but please note that a Duty Holder will always be held responsible for the submission of a PCN verification. Legally, there is always only one Duty Holder.

Legal obligation Poison Centre Notification
All hazardous mixtures that are marketed in the EU, can be notified in the central Poison Centre Notification portal. It is also possible to voluntarily notify non-hazardous mixtures. The format of the Poison Centre Notification is the same in all countries of the European Union, but countries individually have the right to ask for additions to this format (PCN Europe). We can imagine that the legislation and regulations concerning Poison Center Notifications can be somewhat complicated to understand. Especially with all the changes that have been made, it can be difficult to have a clear overview. That is why we have listed some important questions and answers. This way, you can check what the amended laws and regulations for Poison Center Notifications mean for your company. Would you like more information? Feel free to contact us.
What data is required in the new format to complete a Poison Centre Notification?
Various data are required to complete a Poison Centre Notification, namely:
- the general company details
- the type of the product
- trade name of the product
- type of packaging
- physical and chemical information on the product
- the complete composition of the product
- the UFI number
- the EuPCS code
- the classification
- section 11 from the ViB of the product
Providing all this information can already be an administrative burden, but most work is in keeping track of the UFIs and formulation numbers. We at SDS factory are happy to assist you with this.
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Should a product be re-notified or is it sufficient to update the Poison Centre Notification?
A product must be re-notified whenever the composition of the product changes. This can be the case when one or more ingredients are added, omitted or modified. As soon as a product is re-notified, a new UFI needs to be created as well. The UFI code is a unique alphanumeric code that belongs to the composition of a hazardous mixture. This information on the label makes it possible to quickly identify the mixture. If anything changes in other data, such as information on the packaging or the supplier’s data, then an update of the previous notification is sufficient.
Is it possible for a Poison Centre Notification to expire?
A Poison Centre Notification registration never expires. It does not expire as most products are still used a long time after they were purchased, so calamities with this product can keep occurring. Therefore, it is always essential to keep providing the correct information on products, even if they are no longer actively sold. In the Poison Centre Notification format, there is also an option to indicate that a product is no longer sold in a country.