The Unique Formula Identifier code, also known as the UFI code, is extremely important for obtaining PCN verification. Poison control centres and similar bodies have experienced difficulties in the past in correctly identifying the hazardous substances of a product (in the event of accidental exposure). In order to simplify the process, a unique alphanumeric code has been introduced that must be printed or applied to the label of the product. This UFI code is used as a tool to identify a specific mixture.
An important rule in the use of UFI codes is that all products labeled with the same UFI code must have the same composition. However, it is possible that different UFI codes are used for the same mixture. In all cases, the most important aspect is that one UFI-code can only be used for one formulation. In case of formulation changes the UFI code also needs to change. Identifying the formulation is the main function of the UFI-code. This function can only be used when the UFI code and the formulation have been combined in the PCN verification. It is only after the PCN verification has been done that the poison centers are able to find the information connected to the UFI format.